Tea with Gamma the 2nd
I am like a little girl waiting for Christmas this week. Next week I get to visit my granddaughters in Texas and Florida and they love to have tea parties! My grandmother always had tea and gingersnaps available when we arrived in Alberton. After an initial hug, my eyes focused on the cookie jar! My older brother had given her the name, Gamma in his 'learning to talk' years and that stuck all the way into this century when I asked to be called the same.
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In the beginning there was tea![/caption]
So I am Gamma II and sigh contentedly when thinking of cozying up with these little princesses. Of course there will be softball games, trampouline jumping, nature walks and perhaps some crazy dancing included, but hopefully they will never tire of afternoon tea with Gamma.
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Warming the throne for the arrival of the queen. Thanks Ruby and Charlie![/caption]
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Mae and Kate will have to practise for the arrival of the queen![/caption]
When my children were little and chaos would be the name of the game, especially at meal times, I would announce "Let's pretend the Queen is coming to visit." It may have gotten their attention, but instead of creating an aura of peace in the dining room, it opened the door wide for more silliness! I can't imagine why!
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Last year's etiquette class[/caption]
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Mae and Kate. Perhaps Kate will remember this year's tea party![/caption]
I will be sure to post updated tea party photos. In the meantime, find some children in your life and have a tea party. Little heart-shaped jam sandwiches are all you need. I usually add 'apple boats' and of course, the tea is hot water, milk and sugar with a splash of real tea which I'll be drinking myself.
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So I am Gamma II and sigh contentedly when thinking of cozying up with these little princesses. Of course there will be softball games, trampouline jumping, nature walks and perhaps some crazy dancing included, but hopefully they will never tire of afternoon tea with Gamma.
[caption id="attachment_1938" align="aligncenter" width="456"]

[caption id="attachment_1942" align="aligncenter" width="662"]

When my children were little and chaos would be the name of the game, especially at meal times, I would announce "Let's pretend the Queen is coming to visit." It may have gotten their attention, but instead of creating an aura of peace in the dining room, it opened the door wide for more silliness! I can't imagine why!
[caption id="attachment_1939" align="aligncenter" width="575"]

[caption id="attachment_1940" align="aligncenter" width="612"]

I will be sure to post updated tea party photos. In the meantime, find some children in your life and have a tea party. Little heart-shaped jam sandwiches are all you need. I usually add 'apple boats' and of course, the tea is hot water, milk and sugar with a splash of real tea which I'll be drinking myself.
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