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Christmas Memories

As I think back over the years of Christmases in my life, I am astonished at the variety of experiences that I have had. Life has been far from boring! I have celebrated in Prince Edward Island, Ontario, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Massachusetts, California, North Carolina, Georgia and Florida. I was the excited child for the first few and the calmer, more subdued mom in the latter.

Snow was always a part of Christmas until we moved to California. Christmas dinner was enjoyed outside on the patio and then we headed to the beach. Laguna Beach was my favourite. Imagine that! A nor'easterner going for a walk on the beach on Christmas day in shorts! North Carolina in the evenings of December and January sometimes was cool enough to allow an evening fire. Watching the flames in the fireplace while dressed in our summer PJs seemed a bit unusual, but it brought comfort and joy! Breakfast brunch on the screened in patio, too, was pleasant and we would sigh with southern delight after a Christmas morning chat with family who lived in the cold 'north!'

[caption id="attachment_1895" align="aligncenter" width="500"]Christmas Memory Christmas Memory[/caption]

But there is one memory that stands out as the best childhood Christmas ever. It was here in Charlottetown and late afternoon on Christmas Eve circa 1958. Dad entered the room and told us to get our snowsuits on. We were going for a ride. The snow had come down heavy and the streets were packed with the white stuff. As my brother and I descended the front steps, a horse and sleigh pulled up on the snow-crusted street. Our farmer friend from near our summer cottage gave us a hearty welcome and said,

"Merry Christmas! Climb aboard!" We were going on a sleigh ride. And to make it even more special, Dad had a box of presents for us to deliver on our route around town.

"This must be how Santa feels!" I thought. I especially remember the awesome view while riding along the harbour past Fanningbank.

[caption id="attachment_1901" align="aligncenter" width="400"]Fanningbank in December Fanningbank in December[/caption]

Dad's 'grownup' excitement to bring joy to my little life made a lasting impression, as did the hot cups of children's tea that we enjoyed curled up next to the fire when we got back, rosy cheeked and filled with awe from the magic of our ride.

Do you have a Christmas memory that may uplift someone? I'd love to hear it if you want to share in the comments section below this blog post.

While you celebrate this time of year in your own special way, have a wonderful holiday making memories to treasure and to pass on to the generations to come.



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